2016 NYC Party Recommendations Based On Location And Noise Complaints
So in this project, I worked with 2 datasets. One of the datasets talks about different parties in different location types in the 5 boroughs of NYC in 2016, which includes information about the length of the parties before the police shut them down due to noise complaints, as well as the information about the locations where the parties took place and the other dataset has information regarding the different bars where the parties took place with data on the locations as well as the number of complaints that the bar received. What I wanted to achieve in this project is to recommend a party based on which party types and locations are the hottest as well as the parties with the least/most noise complaints.
My first finding shows that the parties that happen longest before getting shut down are during the summer months. I then decided to analyze the average hours for each month before the parties got shut down. For different location types, the average hours went up in the summer months with Street/Sidewalk parties and Park/Playground parties being roughly second while in cooler months, parties in Residential Buildings/Houses top the list. This is most likely due to the fact that the weather is much warmer during the summer, making more people want to have parties outdoors in the nice weather. In terms of the same plot, but with boroughs, the Bronx averages the most hours before each party gets shut down. I then wanted to discover the relationship between boroughs and location type. I did this using a Stacked Bar Chart. This tells me that the most parties happened in Brooklyn while the least parties took place in Staten Island. As far as the location type for each party goes, Residential Building/House parties dominated the list while the least amount of parties came from House of Worship location types. It would make sense that there are a lot of parties in Brooklyn and Manhattan as Manhattan and many parts of Brooklyn have a more urban feeling to them while the other 3 boroughs are more residential. In regards to the location type, I feel like more people prefer to host private parties in their own space as I feel like they think it’s more convenient for them plus, they would be inviting people that they know so that they don’t have to worry as much about their safety. On the other hand, I believe that House of Worship location types have a small number of parties because people don’t really feel that a House of Worship is an ideal place to party, especially when you consider that they are places of religion. Now I know that there are a lot of people that love to party at their own places, but there are still plenty of people that are into bars. I turned to my bar locations dataset and decided to create a Heatmap. So by looking at the Heatmap, I can tell that the main bar scenes are in Manhattan as well as the outer borough areas close to Manhattan. Since Manhattan is a big borough, I wanted to mention that most of the action is in Downtown and Midtown Manhattan while the more Northern parts of Manhattan are mostly active on 2nd Avenue as well as the parts of Manhattan around the George Washington Bridge.
So my recommended party zones are Houses and Streets in the Bronx, Streets/Sidewalks anywhere when the weather is warmer and of course for bars, the areas of Manhattan or near Manhattan that I specified earlier.
I apologize, but WordPress was giving me some issues when it came to uploading my visualizations as they showed up blurry. I decided that I would upload my PowerPoint presentation which has all the visualizations as well as provide a link to my interactive Heatmap and GitHub repository.
PowerPoint Presentation With Visualizations:
Interactive Heatmap:
Github Repository: