Data Science Meetup: ScikitLearn Workshop by Andreas Mueller
The skills we demoed here can be learned through taking Data Science with Machine Learning bootcamp with NYC Data Science Academy.
Data Science Meetup
This past Monday, over 70 data scientists and open data-ers went up to Microsoft for the Scikit-Learn Workshop Meetup. The event was held through the NYC Data Science Academy and NYC Open Data. Andreas Mueller, one of the core developers, gave a presentation about some of the most advanced features of Scikit-Learn.
Andreas currently is a Research Scientist at the NYU Center for Data Science, a research group dedicating to open source software for data science. Previously he worked as a Machine Learning Scientist at Amazon, focusing on computer vision and forecasting problems.
Scikit-Learn is machine learning library for Python. It has become a powerful tool for many data science practitioners. The talk introduced some of the exciting aspects of scikit-learn, such as building complex machine learning pipelines, model evaluation, parameter search, and out-of-core learning.
For those who missed the meetup, here is the video!
Read Scikit-Learn Workshop slides.