Blog Post Guide: Platform for Sharing Your Projects
The skills we demoed here can be learned through taking Data Science with Machine Learning bootcamp with NYC Data Science Academy.
Welcome to NYC Data Science Academy Blog! We're excited about your participation!
This blog site is a platform where our students share their data science projects. If this is your first time to post a blog, please take some time to review this page - it should answer any questions you have about the profile set-up, blog contents, and formats.
Comprehensive guide book slides:
Brief reference and steps:
*1. Set up your blog profile
You could modify your blog profile in "Dashboard". Make sure you have updated your biographical info and uploaded your profile picture.
*2. Embed an introduction paragraph in the front of your blog
Please include the following information in this introduction paragraph:
1) Contributed by XXX (#your name).
2) XXX took YYY (#course name) taking place between MM-MM, YY (#period; e.g. Mar-Apr, 2014).
3) The post was based on his/her … …(#reason to submit such a project; e.g. final project submission).
3. Add slides/videos
If you have slides and/or videos (including desktop record and camera record) about your presentation, you could embed them in your blog.
For slides, please upload it to slideshare and embed it. Change width to 700, height to 580 in the text mode.
For presentation videos, please first ask Vivian to help upload them in YouTube. You will have a URL for your recording which allows you to embed in your blog. Change the width to 700 and height to 520 in the text mode.
*4. Project structure
1) Background and goal(s).
2) How did you conduct this project? Please explain step by step and include the codes.
3) Conclusion and visualizations. Please show the diagrams, charts or any other image to present your great job!
*5. Add code to your post
Adding code to blog post is easy:
4) Back to blog site, paste it on a line by itself in your post/page editor.
5) Switch back to the Visual mode, your code section will look like this!
*6. Don't forget to set a featured image and select a category
The featured image will show on the top of your post. Setting a proper category will help your project gain more exposure.
7. Reference. If you have the reference or other useful materials, you could add their links at the end of this blog.
8. Others:
* means required