Web Scrape Walmart.com
In this project, I collected dataset using webs scraping. Web Scraping (also termed Screen Scraping, Web Data Extraction, Web Harvesting etc.) is a technique employed to extract large amounts of data from websites whereby the data is extracted and saved to a local file in your computer or to a database in table (spreadsheet) format In this analysis I scraped the data from Walmart and did Laptop computer analysis. Find below the screenshot of laptop computers web page from where I scraped the data.
- Find Top Sellers of Laptops on Walmart.com
- Assess Top Brands
- Average brand prices
- Find Price Breakdown of Laptop computer market.
- Average Customer Rating by Brand.
Web scraping details
I scraped the following details from Walmart.com using Python 3.7 & BeautifulSoup 4
- Product Name
- Brand Name
- Sell Price
- Average Review
- Number of Reviews
- Seller
- List Price
- Shipping Info
- Page Rank
Further analysis
I would like to explore why some products are reviewed more than others. May be if I had access to sales data or explore the social media exposure certain Laptop got I could try to correlate if the sales were the reason for high reviews certain Laptop got or the social media exposure.