Hiring Partner Event at NYC Data Science Academy, January 16th 2018
January 16, 2018 marked the hiring partner event for NYC Data Science Academy Cohort 11.
Over fifty hiring partners attended the event including partners from Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, Samsung, Bloomberg, Spotify, Impact Radius, M Science, National Grid, Goldman Sachs, Jefferies, AIG, SITO Mobile, and more.
Out of the hiring partners, twelve were alumni seeking new grads to bring on to their team. These alumni include Samuel O’Mullance (National Grid), Chao Shi (National Grid), Yabin Fan (Samsung), David Letzler (Impact Radius), Xinyuan Wu (M Science), Yannick Kimmel (Bloomberg), and Dani Ismail (Unified).
NYC Data Science Academy graduates had opportunities within the bootcamp to work on real-world data science projects for companies including local startups to larger corporations. A majority of graduates hold higher education degrees in the various STEM fields.
If you want to join our April 2018 hiring partner party or have openings now, reach us at http://nycdatascience.edu/hiring-partners/. There are NO FEES to place our candidates! We are looking forward to supporting your data science talent pipeline and matching the best candidates with the right positions.
We host the hiring partner/student party every quarter, around the middle of Jan, April, July, and Oct.
Hope to see you at the next party!