Data Study on Fortune Global 500
The skills the author demoed here can be learned through taking Data Science with Machine Learning bootcamp with NYC Data Science Academy.
Contributed by Jiaxu Luo. He is currently in the NYC Data Science Academy 12 week full time Data Science Bootcamp program taking place between July 5th to September 23st, 2016.This post is based on his second class project - Shiny Application (due on the 4th week of the program)
This shiny app can be found :
All the code can be found through the link to Github
I. Introduction
Do you have any idea how the structure of world economy change over the years? Do you know how the giant companies in the industry you work for evolved and degraded over the years? Which companies in your industry is attracting increasing attention of investors? My app based on Fortune Global 500 data over the years might give you an opportunity take a fresh look forward.
The Fortune Global 500, is an annual ranking of the top 500 corporations worldwide based on revenue. Every year,the list of companies is compiled and published by Fortune magazine.Since the current form we see today first published in 1995, the Fortune Global 500 has become the definitive study that both examines and defines the world business landscape. For the past decade, the world has witness rapid changes in industries. Benefiting from the technological progress , the process of marketing, integration, industrialization and globalization has been in an in an unprecedented rapid speed. New economies has been coming up.
Industry structure has been redefined. Giant companies have come and gone. The dataset of Fortune Global 500, which spans from 2006 to 2015 (10 years in total), provides us a glimpse of how turbulent fluctuations were like over the years in the level of countries, industries and companies. The assumption here are those Fortune Global 500 companies joined into global competition and therefore the comparative market value fluctuation each year reflects the change of global business landscape.
Thanks to Financial Times--an English-language international daily newspaper specializing in business and economic news ,the dataset of Fortune Global 500 each year is freely accessible ( )